Sunday, October 18, 2009

Battle Pumpkin con Masson and Grace

It took a little while to work it out, but on October 18 met for Battle Pumpkin at Sam and Guille and JP's house. People came with deliciousness whose names I have forgotten, but the flavors remain etched in my memory.

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Nikos is disappointed that the food was eaten so quickly

In the end, it was a split decision because everything was so out of control tasty, but the winner was Keith and Sarah with the pumpkin thing I can't remember the name of but was salty and sweet and crunchy and on a toothpick - what WAS that thing called?

Oh yeah! Pumpkin Rumaki! And he totally posted the recipe over on his own blog:

Dude, we should totally institute the posting of winning recipes on this blog. What do y'all thing?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Battle Beer chez Knight & Lieberman

The first time I (Sam) went to Iron Chef was Battle Beer at Elizabeth and Max's swanky new spot. It was September 4, 2009 and followed a crazy sounding Bacon Battle. Immediately, awesome people started arriving with awesome food.

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson
Guille made his there. It was a lambic sambayon (sp?).

From Iron Chef Tucson

And then we ate. And it was awesome.

From Iron Chef Tucson

From Iron Chef Tucson
And then Max and Elizabeth announced that all the food was awesome. Which we already knew. They also announced that next month would be at our place, just in time for Thanksgiving.